Smart and Sensible Development
As a member of Largo's Planning Board since 2012 and as Chairman since 2019, I have seen first hand the complexities of how to sensibly develop or re-develop properties in the city. As a commissioner I will support the following beliefs for development in the city.
- There needs to be a balance of new development and greenspace in the city. Our residents love our parks and we should look to preserve our parks and expand where this is demand and need.
- A continued focus on sustainability which enhances our residents quality of life.
- The city should encourage new housing developments to include affordable housing units at multiple levels.
- New development should be focused in areas not prone to flooding and storm surge.
Largo's housing construction has not kept pace with demand. Over the past five years, Largo has added an average of 152 new home units. However, population growth is outpacing new construction. Housing shortages have resulted in rapid price and rent increase.
We need to reverse the trend by adding to our housing inventory, addressing the shortfall, and start to bring down rental costs.